I´m willing to back Bitcoins with some of my money because I believe in it.
So how about a Bitcoin real money backing that is transparent.
So people would know that they would allways get atleast X dollars for their coins.
By putting locked money in an account.
Like a locked gold/reserve.
This means that in case of a crash you will get some money for your coins if you sell them.
For example I´m willing to put a buy order for Bitcoins for $200 and leave it at that forever.
I would not be able to get that money out ever, they should be untouchable even by me.
Only if Bitcoins value crash I would get Bitcoins for that amount.
This means that the total of all Bitcoins currently in the world is together atleast allways valued $200.
Thus creating a floor.
Now if we all set something aside to help create that floor.
And we can get 1000 people to put in $200 the value of all bitcoins would get locked to be atelast $200.000. So that would be the floor.
As more and more people contribute to the floor, the real value of Bitcoins will rise.
It would be just like a government promise to buy back your money, only a promise made by people all over the world.
And it would only start to cash out Bitcoins if atleast 90% of all available Bitcoins was put out for sale.
And as more and more people put money in some money. The floor will grow.
Thus creating a value that people understand and increasing the value of the Bitcoins.
Since some people will think.
Whatever happens to the Value of Bitcoins I will allways be able to get atleast 1/10 of my money back.
The exchanges could even have an option to set aside 0.1% of each trade to this global Bitcoin floor making the floor grow for each trade.
It would be in everyones interest to make this floor grow since it proves Bitcoins have a "real" value.
Making the traded value of Bitcoins increase.
There are just two little problems.
Where should the money be kept. It must be safe from stealing and we do not want it to ever be frozen. Perhaps a Swiss bank account?
The amount on the Bank account also needs to be visible for everyone. Even in case of a bankrun the money should not be touched.
The problems with our banks
Not sure if it has ever been a problem with Swiss banks though.
We also need a trusted thirdparty to make sure the money will be used to buy up Bitcoins in case of a crash and this has to be done at the time together with trusted exchanges.
People deposit money into it and the money is locked