Why is it that the actual payout from mining pools seems to be 10% or more lower than the profit calculator figures per 24hrs? I have 6 overclocked antminers that hashes at about 1.14 t/h combined and should pay .11 btc per 24hrs according to profit calculators but the actual payout is about .09 btc. 1.14 t/h is a low estimate since the actual range is about 1.12 to 1.25 t/h and I've tried mining on both Slush and BTC Guild with the same results. I know both the pools take about 2-3% but that still doesn't account for the lowered actual payout of almost .01-.02 btc less.
Apart from the pool fee, you need to consider pool luck (unless it is PPS).
Take btcguild as an example, you can see the pool luck "Approximate Pool Luck* (24H / 3D / 1W / 2W / 1M / 3M / 6M): 74.672% / 87.213% / 91.073% / 88.529% / 89.729% / 97.153% / 100.551%" on the page