BTCSenseAt the moment I am searching for one or two people to work with on this project. BTCSense is an online trading service that once fully functional will cater to the UK market as an exchange. At the moment the exchange process is manual and some-what time consuming, I am hoping to implement some automation to make the service more convenient for the end user. One positive however is the fact that BTCSense is already ranking incredibly well, I am also getting regular emails asking when transactions will be possible which is a good sign. The idea at the moment is to attract some like minded professionals who understand the value of catering to the UK market and who will be just as passionate getting the service off the ground in a partnership. Improving the efficiency of the transaction process and security is a primary focus, however some form of investment would also be required later on too. Ideally as the project evolves we can scale up attracting advertisers and investors etc.
I will soon be graduating and finishing my degree so I am looking to really get this project rolling, I think success will ultimately depend greatly on the team I can put together. This joint venture is open to any geographic however I am based in London so I would also appreciate any UK members to share their thoughts of the project and what they would like to see. PRO (Project Management)In addition I have also created a new business network for startups called "Spacesuit PRO", this would be an ideal platform to manage the project which is partially why I created the network.