hints/solutions for clues can be found at address to find the key for is 18iD8nnxmYSDbMBvgfFzE9D7fgUdchpdUD
Update 7/4/14:"Knowing my uncle's interest in early North American people groups and their languages, I'm guessing that Bridge River Rapids is SETL."
"I'm pretty sure that Roman numerals feature in a few places here, including LIV."
The missing keysThis is a pilot for a new puzzle game. It would be great to get some discussion going over clues and how to improve it.
Answers to clues will be released regularly, until someone guesses the private key and sweeps the prize! If it's successful, future episodes will have larger prizes.
"My uncle was a polymath whose interests encompassed everything from science and maths to ancient languages and chess. In the early stages of bitcoin he became intrigued by the idea of cryptocurrency, and had the foresight to start mining while it was still possible with an ordinary desktop computer. Fanatical about security, he never trusted either hot wallets or cold storage. Instead, he relied on his remarkable memory and simply stored his private keys in his mind.
"When he disappeared, suddenly and without warning at the end of last year, no one knew what to make of it. As the months wore on my family reluctantly came to the conclusion that something had happened to him and he was gone for good. The police were unable to shed any light on it, and since no crime had apparently been committed they told us there was little more they could do. Though I struggled to believe he was dead, this seemed the most likely answer. Nothing in his London flat had been moved, none of his personal effects had been taken. To all appearances he had walked out one day and never returned. The only thing missing was a body...."
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