I moved across country, survived a HD crash and finally got around to re setting up my Android dev space. As such, I'm back about 4 months after I said I'd be, but here goes nothing:
MinerStatus 0.9.4 release
BugFixes & Feature Additions:
- Made it so that the vibrate on notification actually works (requires VIBRATE permissions when you update)
- Clicking the notification auto-dismisses it and launches the application
- Ozcoin is broken due to an API change on their end. This will be fixed soon.
- Fixing BtcGuild's JSON
- Adding Triplemining (yes, finally!)
- Excahnge Bitcoins
- Tradehill (/cry)
- RFCPool
- Mineco.in
I have a sizable backlog of bugs/features to address, but if you'd like to add to it:
minerstatus@trumpetx.com. I'm not really "in to" bitcoins much anymore, but I'm rooting for them