Homocoin IPO starts today. We have 7460 blocks mined until today and we will keep mine for IPO until 20.04.2014 when Homocoin Wallet Qt will be released for Homocoin Foundation members. 197 000 Homocoin are deposited in Homocoin Foundation Fund. Rest of premine coins are reserved for an IPO.
You can check the amount yourself at: abe.homocoin.org
We estimate there will be around 250 000 Homocoin for IPO.
You can own them by sending BTC to this address:
The minimum amount is 0.01 BTC and the sky is the limit. We have a goal of 20 BTC, you can help us to achieve it.
We will send Homocoins on 01.05.2014, when the IPO will finish. We divide all Homocoins equally to the amount BTC buyers has send for an IPO.
www.homocoin.orgCoin properties:
Coin type: Litecoin (Scrypt)
Halving: 19700 blocks
Initial coins per block: 50 coins
Target spacing: 3 min
Target timespan: 168 h
Coinbase maturity: 50 blocks
Max coinbase: 1 970 000 coins
Homocoin has fast transaction confirmations (3 minutes on average) and uses a memory-hard, scrypt-based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular computers and GPUs most people already have.