im new and im thinking of buying a butterfly rig from a friend for about $1500
it does 500gh/s and my electricity costs $0.0
i used a calculator and i would break even within 4 months.
but then i read about difficulties. seeing how the difficulty goes up about 1 billion every 10 days (or about 3 billion+ a month), should i even consider it or what?
im no expert but from this it says ill go from $16 a day (may) to $11 a day (june) to maybe $9 a day (july) to about $7 a day in july and $6 in august. and by then i wouldn't even have broken even
am i doing this wrong or is this rig too old
also = should i go for litecoins instead and get 'gridseed' that does 5200 kh/s and get like ~$10 a day to break even within 7 months or no