April 18, 2014, 04:42:00 PM |
Hey Guys,
Ok, been reading for a few weeks and still confused about the right way to move forward so I thought after many hours of searching and reading I'd speak to the experts as there is a lot of confusion these days and what to do, how to do it and even what mining systems can be trusted.
So... I own and run a Server dealership and get a lot of used servers quite cheap. Lets say for arguments sake they have a NIL cost to me.
Most of these are reasonable spec similar to:
2 x Quad Core (Most probably on the Nehalem Microarchitecture) 8Gb/16Gb/32Gb RAM - Sometimes more 2 x 15K HDD's in Raid 0 (just for that little extra HDD speed)
I have get many of these come thought my business per year and if I deployed every server I got over the next 12 months to mining I would probably end the year with approx 1000 servers.
Now I'm struggling to work out the best way forward now.
Memory Coins look simple but are they worth while for this possible project.
Any advices of where to start within this minefield of coin farming would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance of any help!!