Source: take a look what the wikibeast says about our most famous time traveller.
The following quote is taken from the "Predictive failures" section.
One of Titor's earliest assertions was that CERN would discover the basis for time travel sometime around 2001, with the creation of miniature black holes about half a year after his departure. This did not occur.
Now if I recall correctly the scare that CERN was going to make mini-black holes and destroy the earth was all the rage in the media back in 2001. A decade later the earth was still in one piece and CERN found the god particle.
The next quote is from the "Problems with the story" section.
The internal consistency of Titor's story has been questioned: for instance, in some posts he claims that money is widely used and people still have credit cards, despite his statement that centralized banking no longer exists
whoever wrote this article fails at predictive failing and has problems with problems.
Try debunking an easier subjects first then after you've built up a solid foundation of debunking tools and skills go to work on bigger subjects. You're trying to run before you can walk son!