theses real comments
When the lights go out in the city...
ANY database is vulnerable to hacking and Bitcoin will be NO different. I hope that many wicked A-holes lose big $ with this financial misadventure.
Ask anyone in Iceland about their adventures with Bitcoin style crypto currency.
Only those who are vested in making fast money in this pyramid style fast money data mining scheme are the only winners.
So verign states and countries should not be have to be the victims of a pipe dream that has demonstrated more losses than gains.
Washington accepts Bitcoin and sells it on ebay.
It's just another bubble thing controlled by others. The small fish drive up the price till a ceiling is reached and when the bubble bursts the small fish end up paying the bills and the big fish profit again from it.
Large amounts of coins are being kept out of the loop by the big fish to drive up the price again too.
Nothing new and perfect here. Just different people filling their pockets with other peoples misery.
Bitcoin is what will make one world government . Called AntiChrist. The next thing will be chip that has to be implanted into anyones hand in order to trade.
Bitcoin is a fake, a fraud, and a scam. Find it interesting this article does not mention bitcoins recent wild gyrations in value. In fact, speculation remains the main impetus behind bitcoin as there are traditional coins that provide what bitcoin does but with greater liquidity and absolutely proven safety. Want to play with coins - do so with something like the Maple Leaf, U.S. Eagle, etc - you can't go wrong with those.
Following a 3 month investigation by various Obama agencys to find Bitcoin attack vectors and vulnerabilitys, Obama has also enlisted his goons to setup and trap Bitcoin sellers under the guise of 'Money Laundering'.
Undercover agents have succeeded in entrapping Bitcoin sellers by telling them they either intended to use the Bitcoins they purchased for criminal use or the undercover Obama goons deliberately pushed the Bitcoin sellers into going over a Federal or State currency exchange limit ( varies State to State).
Tho se latest Obama victims were charged with 15+ yr prison sentences, no laughing matter
Currency with no real backing by real commodities is always a pyramid scam. They need backing. And check out the competition if you've freat need to move money this way. Trick is don't hold it. There's something like 50 services available easily listed on Wiki. The title for this article does baffle me though. Did Bitcoin write it and submit? There's no revolution and Bitcoin is just one of many and not the best for most people's needs anyway. Reads like a Bitcoin ad. I'll never use it.
Bitcoin is very elaborate and Ponzi-like scam that will eventually collapse. once it does do not come crying home to your mommy.
I couldn't choose one I'm sorry they were so bad