Is there a way to find out how many coins have been mined so far?
Normally an explorer arranges this, but we're still setting that up. I will do a calculation tomorrow to give an idea
Here's a quick calculation of where we are:
Block reward:
1-2,880 = 256
737,280 QB
2,881-40,319 = 128
737,280 + 4,792,192 = 5,529,472
40,320-80,639 = 64
5,529,472 + 2,580,480 = 8,109,952
80,640-120,959= 32
8,109,952 + 1,290,240 = 9,400,192
120,960 - 161,279 = 16
9,400,192 + 645,120 = 10,045,312
161,280 - 201,599 = 8
10,045,312 + 322,560 = 10,367,872
201,600 - 241,919 = 410,367,872 + 161,280 = 10,529,152
241,920 - 282,239 = 2 ( block reward will not be lower than this)
10,529,152 + 80,640 = 10,609,792
Currently we're at block 209,777. When we reach block 210,000, we will have mined
10,401,472 Quarkbar. We will reach the max amount of blocks at 15,482,880 QB. This means the max will be at
2,649,855 blocks.
This will take about three more years to mine