I am trying to redeem a multisig transaction using the
bitcore.io library (signing client side in the browser). I need the unspent outputs to to do so. Both
Blockchain.info and
Biteasy.com have an unspent outputs endpoint:
BLOCKCHAIN.INFO: https://blockchain.info/unspent?active=3CmmhMciChAx4FtGxHtYppoPBLpRLcBy1H"tx_hash": "db29f6a52fa09bf852cefd514fdd71027894f2b19f6fc752cb5e001dc323079e",
"tx_index": 54805310,
"tx_output_n": 0,
"script": "a914798f9646eb0c7efdd33eaf019a35fc6e37bffb4287",
"value": 100000,
"value_hex": "0186a0",
"confirmations": 1369
BITEASY: https://api.biteasy.com/blockchain/v1/addresses/3CmmhMciChAx4FtGxHtYppoPBLpRLcBy1H/unspent-outputs"transaction_hash": "9e0723c31d005ecb52c76f9fb1f294780271dd4f51fdce52f89ba02fa5f629db",
"script_pub_key": "HASH160 [798f9646eb0c7efdd33eaf019a35fc6e37bffb42] EQUAL",
"to_address": "3CmmhMciChAx4FtGxHtYppoPBLpRLcBy1H",
"value": 100000,
"transaction_index": 0,
"is_spent": 0,
"script_sent_type": "PAY_TO_HASH"
I understand there are small differences between the 2 APIs but... they seem to differ heavily.
- The tx_hash (db29...) and transaction_hash (9e07...) are not the same?!
- The tx_index (5480...) and transaction_index (0) are not even close (guess the transaction_index from Biteasy matches with the tx_output_n (0) from Blockchain but if so, what is the tx_index (0))?
- The script (a914...) and script_pub_key (HASH...) are in a different format (guess you can encode one in the other)?
Do they simply use different ways to present the same data or is the data different between the two?