I'd like to use this thread to discuss something.
Why do most sites, ie. PrimeDice, Dice.ninja, Dicebitco.in all loop through 5 hex characters (so a 0-1048575 number) of the hash and if it's lower than 1 million divide by 10,000 to get a 0-100 number, if not go to next 5 characters. Why not just divide by 10485.75 right away?
If the sites divide the number 0 - 1048575 by 10485.75 and round off the number, the chance of having a roll "<0.01" will be 104/1048576 = 0.00991821289% rather than 0.01%.
What if you don't round off and just take the amount of decimals you want? It seems I'm missing some basic math knowledge today
Hmm that doesn't seem to be right either. Only 1048575 would yield 100.00 then while 0-104 would yield 0.00
Of course for 0.01% chance I should do >99.98 or <0.01. Without rounding exactly 104 different numbers would yield a number 99.98 and exactly 104 numbers would be <0.01
So it's still provably fair if you don't round the numbers.