wow, they sure did! I had no idea anyone could have bought at that level at any time this year. Maybe I should look into exchanges after all
Presumably some could have got them at $200 etc since then?
It fell to $100 on both Bitfinex and BTC-e. This was shortly before the bad press about the double spending bug which has affected Gox and probably many other exchanges. Also interesting to note is that whilst many traders were squeezed out of their positions, many short traders and other traders looking to enter market long did not get their orders filled as the price plummeted from I think around $600 range down to $100, and then right back up within 15 minutes.
More to that flash crash than meets the eye so don't go thinking that those $100 coins were just anybody's for the taking, cos plenty of anybodys did try to take them, but found out that they couldn't.