as the topic states im trying to sell these accounts because i have them just lying around not being used and i have no use for them any longer the Guild Wars 2 account has on 80 on there which is a engineer wearing full 80 exotics, account has wow and all of its expansions along with a 90 death knight a 78 paladin and a 75 warrior also on the battle account i have diablo 3 and diablo 3 reaper of souls.And now on to my smite account my smite account has the ultimate god pack along with 4 golden skins which are for ao kuang,anhur,kali,and nemesis.And at least but not last my origin account which has mass effect 3(no dlc) titanfall and spore. I know im new to the forums but i recently lost my job so im trying to get a founders pack off of steam for a certain game i really badly want and i figure this is one of the ways i could do it. Im taking offers on all of these accounts and my email is and my name on steam is silentsyn1132.