dogechat.netFun shibe chat where you can dig up random dogecoin rewards and tip fellow shibes as you chat!
Plenty amaze features - colours, badges, adding snaps to your posts, +paws, webcam snaps and more!
Make a profile and build your own friends list of your favourite shibes!
You can make your own rooms and even set them private for you and your friends if you like
dogedig is a fun gambling bot (with loyalty reward) and there is a
radio room, linked to an internet radio run by one of our resident shibes, where you can request songs and listen with everyone else!
We also have a hidden feature in the site, can you find it?!
This is
not a faucet and shouldn't be treated as such. It's a community - begging or farming reflinks on resident shibes will earn a ban!
Come say hi and meet everyone!