"Markburg2000" scammed me for 400 dollars worth of BTC
I would like to report that I have been scammed for 400 dollars by a user on localbitcoins with whom I have been trading for a couple months. I have never had too many problems with him, except that around 2 months ago I traded 400 dollars worth of bit coins with him. Before the trade, he mentioned something about being worried that moneypak would have some issues related to paypal or something. When I cashed the moneypak, I received a notice from paypal saying that the moneypak had been flagged and that I would receive a refund check for the amount in the mail in a couple of days. However, it never came. Months later I called moneypak and they told me that the moneypak had been claimed by the owner. The only person who could have claimed this is Markburg. The individual trading has refused to send me the money.
The user has also offered me an interesting job: he tells me that he moves large amounts of money via bit coins and that he needs help moving the money around. He told me that he would like to send me money pak codes, have me cash the moneypak codes, and then load the money onto a rechargeable card and then send the money to him via the card. He told me that he will pay me an 8% cut of whatever amount I move and that he needs to move around 10,000 dollars a week.
I will be able to confirm the username once localbitcoins is back up. It is "mark burg" followed by some number.
Here is the "contract" he sent me:
http://s21.postimg.org/ay3xe4qhf/contract_keven.jpgHere is his phone number, provided on the site, and here is the number which he has further contacted me with:
He goes by the name "albert" when he has talked to me over the second number.
His email: