do i need to make a new backup of a wallet.dat file after every transaction?
for example, lets say i have saved my wallet.dat on a usb, the next day i make a few deposits as well a withdrawl and then the hard drive crashes erases all files... will i be able to retrieve my account from the wallet.dat file that was saved prior to my transactions?
Assuming this is about bitcoin core wallets:
Your initial wallet comes with 100 addresses. As long as you dont generate the 101st you dont have to make another backup, you can still access all your funds, even if the old wallet did not "create" the address #42 yet. The incomming transaction will look a bit funny (grey) in the front end, but you can still spend the coins. On the other hand more than one backup can help because you will "survive" several failing backups. E.g. usb stick broken, flash card burned, hard disk crashed, but you still have an encrypted file on the old laptop of your good friend X.