I wrote the script and paid them. Yes I can confirm they do accept Bitcoin

I've been working hard on this. So I really hope you guys will get behind me and support this.
As I stated in video description
The Bitcoin community recently got an open invitation from the Spreadshirt CEO Philip Rooke that if enough customers request Bitcoin that will grant the request.
"I receive hundreds of requests a month from consumers and our ecommerce platform sellers wanting Amazon checkout and payment. We have yet to have one for Bitcoin. If Bitcoin is not mass market then it will be of little use to ecommerce retailers and platforms. The internet is a funny place however, where new ideas do catch on. My job therefore is to try and cover as many of our customers' needs as possible, so if enough people want to use either Bitcoin we will adapt and find ways of taking payments!"
If you are unfamiliar with Spreadshirt they are an international online retailer operating in 17 countries with over 72,000 sellers. In 2013 Spreadshirt had sales of over $95M globally with orders from 200 countries.
If we are successful in completing the petition not only will it attract media attention and increase sentiment for Bitcoin. I'm sure their rivals Cafepress, Zazzle, Redbubble, Design By Humans, Threadless will all stand up and take note.
With the recent announcement from Amazon, that they will not be adding Bitcoin payment functionality. I hope I can rely on the Bitcoin communities support to help encourage more retailers to join the Bitcoin revolution to increase exposure and add to the Bitcoin eco-system.
Spreadshirt and its customers can only benefit from Bitcoin: it is a win-win situation.
I would be most grateful for your support.
As Satoshi Nakamoto would say "strength in numbers"
Thank you for your time.
If you want to be extra awesome you can help us spread the word and follow us:
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https://twitter.com/BTC4SpreadshirtLet’s get the message out people!