Who is the most influential/famous/relevant/overall most important person in history in your own opinion? It's widely known that Jesus Christ is the most famous according to statistics, searches, believers, etc, but in your own opinion, who do you think the most famous/influential/important person is?
*From 5/8/2014, I will be eliminating people on the list, those that have received over 2 votes or at least 3 votes will stay(just added in Satoshi Nakamoto also on 5/8/2014 so he will be excused from elimination) . I will do this every 5 days, until they're only 3 people left.
*The number of votes required to stay will be raised every 5 days, so the # required atm is at least 4 votes.
*Number of votes required to stay is now 6.
Jesus Christ Winner2)
Abraham Lincoln Eliminated3)
Mohammad Eliminted4)
George Washington Eliminated 5)
Julius Caesar Eliminated6)
The Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama) Eliminated7)
Paul The Apostle Eliminated Moses Eliminated 9)
Albert Einstein Eliminted10)
Satoshi Nakamoto Eliminted