What is MMO Coin? Our goal is to get MMO used by gold buyers, sellers and farmers. The online gaming gold market is larger then we know, for example, Runescape.
- Crypto Server(Scrypt(Testing Stages))
To Do
- Coin/Wallet Website(In Development)
- Get a few multi-pool websites to support MMO Coin by launch time
- Launch our own 0% fee mining pool
Wanted, but not needed
If you would like to support the development/upcoming release of MMO Coin you can do so by donating or just spreading the word out. An official website will be released within the next week or two.
If you would like to donate with BTC/Doge to help improve and speed development up you can send payments to these two addresses
BTC: 1NJtHrrjkQKSEiLLjma5evoCv8AtaEefti
DOGE: DGU4SQvxrK3nNhcWAUj6758qTuwPQNp87C
- Reddit Community: $34
- Unknown: $2.50
P.S. I'm running a bit late on some work, I will update the topic to be more detailed later!