Hi marketstem,
Is there any interest in such a service? Yes, absolutely.
I was searching for something like that a couple of months ago! But unfortunately, there was nothing, so I built my own ;-)
I use it to simplify the logic inside my bot. The bot consumes a single stream of merged and preprocessed market data, (order books) whereas behind the service all exchanges all crawled in parallel with proper handling for timeouts and reconnects.
And in addition, there is no interference between the rate limitations of the bot and the crawling service.
So everything is working more nicely, elegant and robust.
I built upon Server-Sent Events (in contrast to WebSockets). Mainly because of the nice layer on top of HTTP, the built-in reconnect scheme, easy support in nginx+tornado and for this amount of data: the transparent compression that comes with HTTP.
On top of that, there is a second service that consumes all market data and stores them on disk - preprocessed with a mixture of lossy and lossless compression. This is quite challenging if you want to save as much disk space (I know, disk space is cheap. But less disk space is cheaper ;-) ) And normally compression will speed up the reading of historical data, which will speed up the backtesting. My uncompressed data consists of orderbooks up to 1.000 units in depth (e.g. btc) for each second on each platform and when I started naively, my little digitalocean droplet was full after the first day
Just my story.
I really like your service, the open approach and your progress! Keep going.