** Update 6 / 5 / 2014 **
Price UpdateOctober 8VRM - 1.8
BTC w/ Corsair 1000W PSU
** Update 6 / 3 / 2014 ** Price Update
October 8VRM - 2BTC w/ Corsair 1000W PSU** Update 6 / 1 / 2014 ** Price Update
October 8VRM - 2BTC (2.1BTC with PSU).
** Update 5 / 18 / 2014 ** Price Update
October 8 VRM - 2.25 BTC (2.5 BTC with PSU)** Update 5 / 16 / 2014 **
All Novembers are sold October still forsale!** Update 5 / 14 / 2014 **
Prices lowered!** Update 5 / 13 / 2014 **
6 Module Jupiter 1 - Sold
6 Module Jupiter 2 - SoldPost updated!
I am getting out of mining due to the oh so awesome heat we have in Texas on the way in. So going to put my KNC units up forsale.
All prices include shipping inside of the USA and I am FIRM on them. I will accept Escrow (buyer pays fees) with Tomatocage or Ognasty.
October 8 VRM Jupiter - 2.5 BTC (2.75 I will include the Corsair HX1000W PSU with).
Running 0.99.1 Firmware and runs at 700+ GH/s with all 8 VRMs enabled. I know it can go higher but I never spent time messing with it.
Will include the 4 Coolermaster Jetflo 120mm fans I use on them.
Quick screenshot from my Multiminer instance just now
Jupiter 7 is the October 8 VRM Jupiter.
If you have any questions or are interested shoot me a PM.
Again I am FIRM on the pricing and that does include shipping in the United States.
November Jupiters -
2x 6 ASIC Module and
2x 4 ASIC ModulePrice:
4 Module Jupiter - 3 BTC (3.25 if you want the 1250W Thermaltake Gold PSU included)
6 Module Jupiter - 4.5 BTC (4.85 if you want the Corsair H1000 and Enermax 1500W PSU (other one include Corsair HX1000 and Enermax Platimax 1350W PSU)).
All 4 of the November Jupiters run Padrino's Firmware
The two running 4 modules are currently running at 940-960GH/s.The two running 6 Modules currently I have running at 1350GH/s (this is at my house on 110) and the other at my shop on 240V running @ 1450GH/s.All of them have Silverstone Tek 140MM Fans on the intake fans and all of the ASIC's
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A460TK6/ref=pe_385040_30332190_TE_M3T1_ST1_dp_1I'll have to get pics when I go back down to my shop of the 3 other units but this is the 6 module unit I run from my house. The other one looks exactly the same.