Due to the Tradehill fiasco im out of capital for already two weeks. I have about 3000$ tied up there and will repay 3500$ the very second that 3000$ hits my bankaccount. Will provide name, address account number etc. I can repay you in BTC (the equivalent of what 3500$ + fees will buy at mtgox), banktransfer (SEPA, wire or anything else) or any other reasonable option.
Please PM me or reply here with your transactionproof and send the coins to 1EzqA3RacAceSu3TTErTD1uowdKsofgCRS (btc will be automatically sold just under the marketprice on mtgox).
I have no intention to scam anyone, I can provide proof of identification and have a skypechat with anyone who wants to, show todays newspaper on webcam, you name it.
Why are some of your words glued together? Space bar broken?