This is a good post highlighting mining centralization and helpful countermeasures like P2Pool, but it's a bit misleading.
What is the current popular solution?
When GHash approached the 50% mark in January many miners switched to other centralized pools (Eligius, BTC Guild, Slush, etc…).
Can this solve the problem?
If their were 5 major pools, each with an equal distribution of 20% of the global hash rate, that might solve the 51% problem, but we will have still consolidated all Bitcoin transaction processing to 5 central facilities, leaving the whole network open to an attack that could bring down Bitcoin for good.
All Bitcoin transaction processing wouldn't be consolidated to 5 central facilities. Blockchain's
hashrate distribution chart shows about 30% is unknown, which I think is healthy. It's probably made up of tinkering solo miners, enterprise miners, less than famous pools etc., which will probably grow.
There may be 5 major/popular pools now but I doubt that will remain. wasn't the first pool. That was Slush's Pool, if I'm not mistaken, which now has 3% of the pie slice... 3%. Just as entered the picture and ballooned in size so too can other pools. Even now there are 9 pools not including P2Pool.
I think it's worthwhile to try and bolster P2Pool's meager 1% share, but I think we will also see more pools forming. Something they need to do, however, is take inspiration from and get their presentation right. This was mentioned on reddit too. Let me make the point.
If you haven't seen the homepage for do me a favor and first visit the page for Slush's Pool: visit's a fricking mine shaft. No self-respecting male (of which the Bitcoin community is about 80%) would not find that appealing. Note to pool developers & entrepreneurs: you don't have to be first to be biggest. Google wasn't the first search engine. Facebook wasn't the first social network. Presentation and user experience make a difference, and that will probably become more true the more mainstream Bitcoin gets.