anyone got a discount research grade microscope?
I had some microscopes but they are all old school and cheap. i ended up pitching them.
I'm trying to save up for one of them new electronic ones that plugs in your computer via usb.
I'd like to be able to take pictures of my own to save. I spent years on developing a collection
and was a small hobby of mine. Then again, it's hard to look at the same prints over and over.
I've seen enough with these and hope to pass them on to someone that will enjoy them as much
as i did.
I can't really tell you the full quality of these guys, most were given to me by other mycology-hobbyists
and did not make them myself. Sorry if I am presenting something in here I shouldn't. If it is really going
to turn out this way then I'd rather have this closed.
All my prints I ship will be labeled with a disclaimer. These are intended for microscopy purposes, and should never be
used in any cultivating attempts (as stated 1st this on OP).