BLAKE is dying it seems. only bad coins without good exchanges or people interested
nope its barely even started the MMO games are due and that was the main reason for creating Blakecoin in the first place unlike most other coins it has a purpose beyond Crypto world and BS market cap values!
Also more coins due to be added to the merged pools soon just been busy with work and not had time to finish the testing of front end extension
Long term support is key to good coins imho there is no rush in creating something better it takes time and Blake is going to be about for years this is a fact!
a coin that is all hype/spin/market manipulation in first few months then dead is a bad coin
Exchanges and Market cap value as the sole focus of development is just a bad idea imho, solid network hashrate and good pools are the key foundation to longevity as it is what keeps the network and transactions working and safe
BLC is a great coin, period. I'm not quite sold on the rest of the coins in the current Blake ecosystem, but for what they lack in mass appeal, they make up for it in network stability and community. I've seen your posts in the majority of new Blake coin threads and you're always helpful to the community, no matter how trivial the question, thats huge.
Sorry things haven't worked out for Dirac, but im pretty certain that this coin would be dead / dying if it weren't for the help of the Blake256 merge network keeping it alive. I've asked too many questions with this coin, and I never got any real answers from Bryce here in this thread or on twitter. This thread has been a disaster from early on, ive been patient with his other coins but there are too many red flags to continue my support here or elsewhere for his projects.
BlueDragon747, I have a lot of faith in the Blake ecosystem, and I hope that ill be mining another Blake coin sooner rather than later. Thanks for being a tremendous asset to the community. For everyone else, good luck with Dirac!