first - the staking of this coin is the best i think,,
second - we need more auction and activity on forum, i have try to get people involved on this forum, but we have a little activity that have good rate interest..
third - the dev is having good communicate, the only thing what must change is about community, and give more innovation on wallet, maybe like chat? or live rate of this coin,
i always remind my followers how great this coin, but once again we need more activity on forum.. i have login minimum once per days and each days i just see activity that always showing up every day is this people : uki, crazywack, talkcoinshop.
-_- i miss the time that first time i join on this forum, so much activity on that, oh i forget chinese region have good activity too but i don't understand what they say,,, hahahahhaha and spanish too..
so let's make this forum up again, making something interest