Re: Gartman: I'm avoiding Bitcoin like the plague. - my answer:
Thank Goodness.
Now to roast Gartman:
What Gartman forgets to mention obviously is that banks today launder illegally 100's of billion's worth of dollars each year, and that drug smugglers and other criminals utilize all currencies.
It's quite obvious only a fool's fool such as Gathman could come up with such silly comment like his.
Surely Gartman didn't come up with this? He isn't that foolish is he?
This isn't about Bitcoin.
And Gartman cannot come up with one sound, logical, long term reason why Bitcoin isn't going to be a big part of The Future.
Your favorite search engine is your friend: search - END THE FED
I ask and request most respectfully that the USA Government END THE FED and forever outlaw debt-based currencies.
Do that, and The USA saves itself, and present and future generations too, and hands future generations into perpetuity a gift we never had before ourselves: Monetary Freedom. Real monetary freedom. What greater gift is there than to hand future and present generations that? I cannot think of any greater gift than real monetary freedom from debt-based currencies.
That will also save countless zillions of Trillions and Trillions of Dollars into perpetuity because we wont have to service even the interest on these debts.
Compound that into a thing called long term sustainability and prosperity for All.
That's reality. That's genius. Much like Bitcoin.
Gartman has the nerve to say what? And try to smear what? Are you kidding me? You must be joking!
But seriously. Gartman is just taking his marching orders. Or not thinking clearly. One or the other.
Don't blame Gartman. Bitcoin isn't the easiest thing to grasp. But once everyone does grasp Bitcoin well enough we all end up loving Bitcoin and it's genius.
Sooner or later everyone warms up to Bitcoin, and ends up loving Bitcoin, and all it's genius. Will it work in the longest terms? Yes. If it's well supported and maintained as well as secured it will work. And all those it most certainly will be. In fact those are already done and constantly monitored by the some of the very best and most well qualified scientists known. Same with any possible debt-free currencies in the future, their going to also most responsibly cared for. We're all grown up now, and responcible adults correct? As long as debt-free currencies are well supported and maintained, as well as secured they will work too. And all much better than any debt-based currencies loaned into their own mere existence, and forever costing societies extreme amounts of debt interest into perpetuity. It's a non-starter. This is all self evident for any informed and intelligent mind.
Already Bitcoin is vastly superior to any and all debt-based traditional fiat currency that ever existed. That much is obvious and self evident. Or didn't anything already explain that much Gartman?
Bitcoin is Genius.
The Bitcoin White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto:
"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
The pdf version at http version and much more at your Debt-Based Currencies.
End those, and the rest will soon follow.
And begin with debt-free currencies if you must.
Bitcoin is leading us all into a brave future. It's now one of the new "Checks", in checks and balances that every government should insist on.
I will let the reader figure out why I state such a fact for themselves. That too helps the Bitcoin "light-bulb" go off in one's mind as they warm up to what Bitcoin and other types of Decentralization can offer mankind.
Certain Central Bankers may claim none of it will work. Yet none of these solutions can be any worse than Central Banks own job performance and past results have been up to the present time over the last 100 years. That much is self evident already.
Checkmate Central Bankers.
Bitcoin is Freedom.