I can imagine that prices could keep falling for weeks, specially if the new hardware (7800 series) is as decent as it seems to be.
After a few months maybe, if enough interest/business/media is atracted, and with the 25BTC reward deadline on the horizon, things can boom again...
It's always interesting to review old predictions after a while. Seems like you were right about the boom.
Anyway, on your topic of market predictions for BTC this is to advise that we have set up a question on Prediki (short for: prediction market+wiki) about the end of year 2103 price of Bitcoin.
https://www.prediki.com/questions/What-will-the-exchange-rate-of-US-per-Bitcoin-be-at-the-end-of-2013/The format lends itself well to stating one's reasons in the wiki, while the market and the final settlement ultimately shows who's been right or wrong. You can buy and sell answer options as on any prediction market, but it works for free, on a completely virtual currency (Credits) to avoid issues with gambling. Questions can be sponsored with
real money however, winnings are distributed to participants pro rata to trading profits. This means, the better or earlier your predictions the larger your share. Ironically, if sb wanted to sponsor the question in BTC that would make BTC a
real money, in our terminology ...
BTW: The site is brand-new but once it finds 20+ or so participants for the question we'd expect to get pretty good predictions and a good analysis-wiki.