Why don't you leave topical discussion to the forum, and take your hate to my PM.
If you want to be be a big boy, act like one.
I have you snot nosed little child. I went to the forum Moderator of the other site you linked to and asked if he could remove that thread as their legitimacy was under discussion, and he did. although as soon as i am done writing this post for your sorry @$$, i will be writing him back and telling him that they were found to be legit, with proof. Furthermore i contacted TheCoinMiners about your claims including all the information that you provided on this forum and beyond any doubt at all have been shown that you 1: tried to scam them through the affiliate system, and 2: work for another miner company to tarnish the reputations of other companies to limit the number of sources where a person can get gridseed miners on a regular basis for a good price. And FINALLY !!!
I didnt want to say anything until i got home from work and verified it for myself, but days ago when you started this "campaign" of being a cry baby little biotch, i figured it would only cost me $11 to find out what the scoop on these guys really was so i placed an order for myself, and wouldn't you know it, It arrived today and even included a copy of MultiMiner with drivers on a disc and step by step setup instructions on how to get it going just like they said it would. And look, here is a photo for you little baby so we can put an end to this madness.
https://i.imgur.com/g6CI8rp.jpgSo now that you've been called out, and the proof is in the pudding. STFU and take your crap somewhere else. We need more companies like this in this world and less idiots like you trying to tarnish their reputation just to inflate your own companies sales.
Take that to your PM and smoke it little baby. You just didnt want to get called out in public otherwise people would know you were just trying to hurt their business to benefit your own. snd now that thats done, i see they have a hell of a good deal on gridseeds, so i am going to go spend a few thousand dollars with them just to spite you and your B.S. business tactics.