If you have not yet discovered,
QuazarCoin (
QCN) is the new generation of cryptocurrency which is based on the CryptoNote protocol and uses the CryptoNight algorithm. The CryptoNight algorithm is the most democratic today, fully ASIC-resistant and only CPU-mineable.
QuazarCoin was launched after discussion in the community, without premine or instamine.
It is state of the art technology and the potential for apllications endless.QuazarCoin protects your data and privacy through unlinkable transactions with ring signatures.
Cyryptonote coins do what darkcoin has claimed. The technology is superior and its time to spread the word.
We are developing the community and reaching out to members for translations.
The main thread
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=615732 needs to be translated into other languages, (EDIT)
as does the website http://www.quazarcoin.org/ - The website will be redone beforehand.
~Current bounty is 100 QCN~At todays market rate this = 0.2 BTCTodays market rate = 0.84 BTCCongratulations to those who have submitted. Payments will be made shortly.
Currently this thread is being revised for bounty amount. Please contact myself or OracianSeis.