I'm selling a code for Microsoft DreamSpark that automatically recognizes you as a student (this is a replacement for MSDNAA if you're familiar with it). The normal process is your school enrolls with Microsoft, then they verify that you're attending the university, then you get access to a bunch of free Microsoft software.
Some of the programs that are available through this program for free are:
- Windows 8 Beta/Release Candidate (Rumored by the Microsoft Rep to be part of this program)
- Visual Studio 2010 Professional/Ultimate
- Windows Server 2008
- Microsoft Expression Studio 4 Ultimate
- Windows Phone and App Hub
- Kinect for Windows SDK Beta
- SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer
- Pluralsight On Demand
- and lots more
Another great benefit to this is that you register at App Hub (
http://create.msdn.com/) with the same login as your DreamSpark student account, you can release your apps directly to the app marketplace and receive money from the ads without the $100 per year charge or the charges to get your app on the marketplace.