follow Text i read on ntxcoin.org:
"Prevents the inflation of the block chains and makes the anonymity of the coin untraceable. Recycle some lost forever coins after a few rounds of recasting."
1) I did not understood the recycling process. Please help me.
Can somone explain me (in english or better in german), how coin recycling works?
How ntx will track down not more used coin, because someone dies or forget his password for coins?
Through incactivity? If someone do for an certain time period no transactions then the coins will be lost for owner of coin and replaced through new coins? If yes who get the new coins?
2) How many developers exists for ntx? The coin is so cheap, why? The coin is innovative.
Developers are escaped? Perhaps no developers exists more for ntx?
3) The recasting Process works automatically? Or coin owner must enable the recasting process manually?
1) This appears to be an important part of this concept. Coins that stay stagnant will disappear over successive rounds of recasting. If someone dies - OK. If someone forgets their password - OK. But if someone simply wants to leave their coins in storage, I guess they would have to a) move the coins manually regularly to avoid the recasting effect or b) move the coins automatically for the same purpose. As far as I understand the old coins are distributed as fees to active coin holders or miners???
2) Devs are not communicative. Difficult to get a clear picture of the situation.
3) Recasting is part and parcel of the system. Automatic. But it does not appear to be in place currently. There have been one or two posts claiming that recasting is being tested now.