To prove the size of the cold wallet, the Bitstamp CTO broadcast a send-to-self
transaction with the hash below, and then signed a message I selected with the
associated private key. This all took place whilst I was watching. The signed message is
provided at the end of this document.
TXID: 057089cdb9b61b51c3ded3662c3a0665641c1e72ef219fe59b3f4010c450e779
Address: 1EFJUipfCHFmmTFkF9vvjFKdBf3VbfvarM
To prove to me the size of the companies deposits, I was given direct MySQL access to
their master database. We ran a SQL SELECT SUM(btc_balance) query on the
user_profiles table to determine the total outstanding balances. Earlier I had reviewed
some of the site code to verify that indeed this table was being updated when deposits
and withdrawals took place. This procedure did not expose any customer-specific
private data.
A quote from this document defining what this address is
Its mine.
I am so sorry but it is not yours