beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 09:05:02 PM |
so the daughter of a family friend got my number and started texting me. she is quite bangable, but i already know she's not really my type for a relationship.. i reiterate that i do find her quite bangable. she keeps on texting me, and i don't want to get involved since i know the main thing i want from her is the V... and she seems the lonely type who gets attached, so if i do hook up with her, i'm going to feel super guilty. my mind is telling me no but my body is telling me yes.. i feel like r kelly.
Activity: 1789
Merit: 1008
Keep it dense, yeah?
May 27, 2014, 09:19:59 PM |
so the daughter of a family friend got my number and started texting me. she is quite bangable, but i already know she's not really my type for a relationship.. i reiterate that i do find her quite bangable. she keeps on texting me, and i don't want to get involved since i know the main thing i want from her is the V... and she seems the lonely type who gets attached, so if i do hook up with her, i'm going to feel super guilty. my mind is telling me no but my body is telling me yes.. i feel like r kelly.
Whenever you get these thoughts, go and have a wank. You will feel much better for it, morally at the very least.
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beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 09:21:39 PM |
so the daughter of a family friend got my number and started texting me. she is quite bangable, but i already know she's not really my type for a relationship.. i reiterate that i do find her quite bangable. she keeps on texting me, and i don't want to get involved since i know the main thing i want from her is the V... and she seems the lonely type who gets attached, so if i do hook up with her, i'm going to feel super guilty. my mind is telling me no but my body is telling me yes.. i feel like r kelly.
Whenever you get these thoughts, go and have a wank. You will feel much better for it, morally at the very least. oh i do, and having a wank doesn't compare to the real thing. she keeps on texting me though, i guess i should ignore her but then part of me doesn't want to.
May 27, 2014, 09:25:42 PM |
so the daughter of a family friend got my number and started texting me. she is quite bangable, but i already know she's not really my type for a relationship.. i reiterate that i do find her quite bangable. she keeps on texting me, and i don't want to get involved since i know the main thing i want from her is the V... and she seems the lonely type who gets attached, so if i do hook up with her, i'm going to feel super guilty. my mind is telling me no but my body is telling me yes.. i feel like r kelly.
Whenever you get these thoughts, go and have a wank. You will feel much better for it, morally at the very least. Yeap, plus you are able to make better decisions after a wank.
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
May 27, 2014, 09:26:28 PM |
Don't bang her. Last thing you want is to break-up the family friendship. Community means a lot to some people.
beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 09:29:48 PM |
i need to find a way to get her to think i'm some pervert or some guy not worth being attached to, yet keep it friendly still. what to do? there's another girl that i kinda had a thing with, and she wants to have a relationship. i found her only worth banging, as in we didn't connect the way i like. she's more independent.. so banging her would make more sense, but she knows the game already and doesn't want that kind of relationship. FML, my life is all about not getting laid 
May 27, 2014, 09:33:26 PM |
Uhm that's kind of hard to help you with this...tell her straight that you would like to have sex with her but nothing more and you will either have it or she will leave you alone.
May 27, 2014, 09:41:38 PM |
Sometimes there are things in life we just can't have. Tell her what you want, and make sure you don't give in when she wants to start hanging out after the hookup. Say you really like her but you're just not looking for a relationship right now.
beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 09:50:08 PM |
yeah if i do anything with her, i think i'll have to let her know what's up beforehand. she seems to be the kind to get attached. 10 years ago, i would have banged her and never talked to her again.. i've done that a few times, and the co-dependent chicks made me feel guilty. i guess it's better to be older and wiser.
May 27, 2014, 09:53:03 PM |
yeah if i do anything with her, i think i'll have to let her know what's up beforehand. she seems to be the kind to get attached. 10 years ago, i would have banged her and never talked to her again.. i've done that a few times, and the co-dependent chicks made me feel guilty. i guess it's better to be older and wiser.
Don't do it like you would 10 years ago...these things may really hurt her personality and even that small mistake could turn her into heartless bitch later, just be wise and not selfish.
beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 10:12:41 PM |
does anyone else have a hard time connecting with chicks? at least most of them.. i want to be able to talk to a chick about the random musings in my mind, and have her understand what i'm talking about. i also want someone who will be an equal and won't let me manipulate/walk over her (though i don't like doing it). i just like to know that a girl can push back just as hard, when provoked. i don't want a subservient housemaid who will give me children and sex.
May 27, 2014, 10:23:35 PM |
girl is obviously expressing interest. if you want it, go and get it. i would be very up front off the bat though -- this can be a regular thing, but it ain't nothing more than a hook up!! 
May 27, 2014, 11:10:42 PM |
Get yourself a Tinder account. You'll forget about her in about 20 swipes.
BTC: 15565dcUp4LEWe6KYT7tawMHFRL4cBbFGN
beetcoin (OP)
May 27, 2014, 11:16:35 PM |
Get yourself a Tinder account. You'll forget about her in about 20 swipes.
i'm not really a ladies man type.. i rub off as a nice guy, which means i don't get any action. i'm not the "cool" badboy. girls just don't dig it.
May 28, 2014, 01:06:07 AM |
does anyone else have a hard time connecting with chicks? at least most of them.. i want to be able to talk to a chick about the random musings in my mind, and have her understand what i'm talking about. i also want someone who will be an equal and won't let me manipulate/walk over her (though i don't like doing it). i just like to know that a girl can push back just as hard, when provoked. i don't want a subservient housemaid who will give me children and sex.
I do, my best friend is a woman though. I had the urges to bang her and we both touched each other a little too much, I killed it for a little and it was weird. I'm up front with her and It is really weird, we're no more then friends, she's okay with me doing anything to anyone but it's very complicated. Saving a long term friendship should be the priority. Assess what you may lose from doing this then be upfront. Don't take any advice from me on human relationships though, unless you're ready for the utter annihilation of your social life.
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May 28, 2014, 01:24:21 AM |
God gives man a rational mind to control an irrational dick.
Wait, may be it is the other way around:
God gives man an irrational dick to control the rational mind.