Today is the first day of the FIA coins project.
The FIA coin is supposed to become the first really uncontrolled widely dispersed coin
with broad center.
Utter extraction period - 100 days, 900 coins per hour.
No premining.
No pools so far.
No coins yet.
The wallet on a PC for the coin mining is suitable.
Purpose - to propose the miners and pool holders an extra opportunity to earn money and
in 3 (three!) monthes create a new cryptocurrency with no more coins added.
The currency slogan - A coin of all for all.
P.S. Information for exchanges staff - a FIA coin will be send on the wallets addresses
twitted in any exchanges official twitters at any time. The coin most efficient use is to
form the first orders this way:
0.1 FIAcoin - 0.1 Bitcoin
0.1 FIAcoin - 10 Bitcoins
0.1 - 1000
0.1 - 1000000
0.1 - 10000000000
You are professionals and know that the market dots all its "i's" and cross "t's" itself. Specifications:
Algorithm: Scrypt
Maximum coins: 2100000
Block Time: 200 seccoins per block 50
Port 9335
wallet download linux win32 server=1
rpcport=9335addnode= can download the config file from: paste it into the FIA coin app directory.
On Windows this is C:\Users\[YOUR_USER]\AppData\Roaming\FIACoin
On Macs it's ~/Library/Application Support/FIACoin
Now restart your qt client and the blockchain should start downloading in about 1-2 minutes.
Once it finished downloading, you're ready to send and receive FIAcoins.
Please, who are qualified and skilled enough, start your wallets as server, and post your
addnode in this topic. Your nickname and addnode information will be posted in the topic
main message. It is not our coin, it is yours. Do with the FIA coin anything you like. You
may inlist your names into the mankind history as the unforgettable fathers-founders of the
unchangeable virtual currency of the nearest future.
Good luck