Introducing HyipShare!HyipShare is a Asset based on NXT.
You can access Asset Exchange using NXT wallet to buy HyipShares.
(wallets are here, NXT is listed on and )Easy-to-use, One-click installation client for Win / Mac: first of June I gonna emit HyipShare asset with 1 000 000 shares.
Price per share will be as low as 0.1 NXT.
Every day at 14:00 GMT I will arise the price of selling shares by 10%.
01.06.2014 - 0.1 NXT per share
02.06.2014 - 0.11 NXT per share
03.06.2014 - 0.121 NXT per share
After 01.09.2014 I will arise it only by 10 NXT per day.
Graph illustrates this: have a great opportunity to buy them at low price, and sell them for much more NXT later!
For example:01.06 - John buyed 10000 shares for 1000 NXT
01.07 - He decides to sell them
My price at this time will be 1.75NXT per share.
He could set the price 1.5NXT per share and sell them for 15 000 NXT ( Johns profit + 14 000 NXT !)
Attention! Last-comers could lose their money when asset become very expensive.When you looking for asset in AssetExchange please use ID! There could be duplicates in names.Nxt account utilized to emit the assets is:
- Name: NakedPony
- Account: NXT-9EL7-8P3Z-9RSZ-FCHW8
Asset Id: 8913584268734517592- Asset Name: HyipShare
Good luck!
If you have any questings please ask.