IPO end and Has been paid in full
I hired a marketing teamThe original thread was deleted reason:sending to spam posters is considered encouragement. Posting alt transaction details is considered spam as well (just like alt giveaways)
Very sorryPlease voting MY NUMC BURGERhttps://myburger.mcdonalds.co.uk/detail/5389807784a8dIf you would like to help NUMC, please contact me , maybe you are one of the most important team
I am glad that new members provide us numbercoin T -shirt, then you can use numbercoin buy
Numbercoin Is a mix of POW / POS virtual currency
which will be POW for the initial 7 days and pure POS after that
http://www.numbercoin.netFacebook:right now
Twitter:right now
If someone offered QQ group, please contact me , I will list here
Release date : June 1
General Specifications:
Algorithm: Scrypt POW/POS
Block Time: 20 seconds
Difficulty retarget : every block
Available Supply: 100,000,000NUMC
Premine:0.5%.(500,000 NUMC)
IPO:10%(10,000,000 NUMC)
Hand statistics are a hard job , so I do not add DOGE wallet address receivables
POW:11.2%(11,212,099 NUM)
Mined Block Confirmation: 50
Transaction Confirmation: 3
Min stake age: 1 day
Max stake age: 1000 days
Port: 9441
Block Day 1 (POW+POS): Blocks 1-100 - 1 NUM/block+ POS 3.65% Annually
Block Day 1 (POW+POS): Blocks 100-4320 - 200 NUM/block + POS 3.65% Annually
Block Day 2-7 (POW+POS): Blocks 4321-30240 - 400 NUM/block + POS 3.65% Annually
Block Day 8-14 Pure POS: Nominal Stake Interest: 3.65% Annually
Block Day 15-25 (POS): Blocks 64800 -108000 Nominal Stake Interest: 7.5%DailyMay 29 update
Block Day 150-160 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 3.25% DailyBlock Day 160-365 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 3.65% Annually
Block Day 365-380 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 1.625% DailyBlock Day 380-730 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 3.65% Annually
Block Day 730-750 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 0.8125% Daily Block Day 750-1095 (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 3.65% Annually
Block Day 1095-1195 (POS): Blocks Nominal Stake Interest: 0.405125% DailyBlock Day 1195+ (POS): Nominal Stake Interest: 3.65% Annually
All players need to work , I hate lazy , no pain, no gain , all players are equal , whether you have a hash force
Windows QT:
https://mega.co.nz/#!540kgZyS!Nb_otRh5TxYCxiIDeFmtW-xF2dunzxknlOXnCeRwzZkLinux QT:
Mac OSX :
http://www.mediafire.com/download/sj2gvea4jk54q03Paper Wallet: Need help , if someone can help , then I will raise with the IPO of LTC or DOGE be back
Source Code:
http://numc.pool.mn (0%)fees Not running Please wait
http://www.zpool.co 2% fees
http://numc.poolest.com 1% fees
https://numc.hardcoreminers.com 1% fee
https://numc.poolsofhonor.com 1.5% fee Not running Please wait
Private spa pool , please contact me , I will list here
Voting Begins
Need help , if someone can help , then I will raise with the IPO of LTC or DOGE be back
Purse Preview
I like the LTC icons , May 21 , I changed the icon