Looks like a real bug to me.
I cannot see why it is saying it is unconfirmed when it is in a block.PM sent to piuk.
I see it now. According to blockchain.info the transaction was included in a block that was orphaned:
https://blockchain.info/block-index/421582With this hash: 00000000000000000591be5b8e4ec5fd6f94833c2490d59619faa6cdf55ddad8
However according to this:
https://blockr.io/block/info/303349The transaction was also included into the main chain block with this hash:
So it looks like a bug at blockchain.info. The transaction should be shown to have occured in the main chain block but for some reason the transaction is "stuck" showing that it only occured in the orphaned block.
Interestingly the main chain block in the blockchain.info database:
https://blockchain.info/block-index/417823Does show the transaction just fine. The transaction itself is of course confirmed. The issue is that the transaction is stuck pointing to block-index 421582 when it should be pointing to block-index 417823 in the blockchain.info database.
ONE MORE THING: It appears that all the transactions in the ophaned block (index 421582) are showing as unconfirmed but were in fact confirmed in the main chain block (index 417823), some examples:
This is cool. Take a look at the "Reward from block" field in the "unconfirmed" yet
spent coinbase transaction from the main chain block:
https://blockchain.info/tx/4d38b494f801bde014a0129e99f5ea8a2bfae54979351fc201f819ee74b69301The blockchain.info database appears totally hosed.