And have you seen something interesting on a freebitco.in site?
Check the stats:
BTC addresses with highest earnings - when you check them in a blockchain - they never get any payment from freebitcoin

and even some of them never had such amounts as they "won" in their wallets

Maybe those addresses are so old freebitco.in didn't mark their payouts yet?
If I remember correctly they didn't always mark them.
Well "stats" are not working for me right now so I cannot tell you exactly what I am telling about

But some addresses from top ten never had deposits on a summary amount that they "won" by using freebitco.in
I will post details when "stats" tab will start to work again

EDITED: it is working now. So look :
1st address - 1Laa7MRaqYvU7ou61M2c7cTUvwdwRjNf1j TOTAL WON :4.80826420 BTC
Now check Blockchain: Address 1Laa7MRaqYvU7ou61M2c7cTUvwdwRjNf1j Total Received 0.48296224 BTC
so ... he never withdraw from freebitco.in or?

same situation is when you check most of those TOP 10 winners addresses.