I'm selling my 32GB iphone 4s for $250 with ibattz battery case, 2 ibattz batteries, 2 Anker batteries + charger, and includes free shipping within the US.
This iPhone has never spent a day outside either an otterbox or this ibattz case.
** Read Carefully ***
The iPhone is currently on 7.0.4 with the envision jailbreak. I was granted an unlock request from AT&T but it requires me to restore the phone in order to apply it. If I restore the phone, you will lose the jailbreak since 7.1.1 doesn't have an exploit available yet.
The buyer will have the option of receiving the phone wiped with 7.0.4 and the JB but locked to AT&T, or Unlocked with 7.1.1 with no jailbreak.
Pictures below. Please let me know if you have any questions.
[edit: I have many SHSH blobs from previous versions as well]
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