I was snooping around the internet, doing research on the Scrypt algorithm when an idea came to me.
Scrypt's most restrictive aspect when being implemented in ASIC's is its massive memory utilization.
Although I'm still understanding how the Scrypt algorithm work, what if Scrypt-N ASIC's come out?
I came across these images on the Litecoin forums. Although I am aware it is a scam, the idea appears feasible.
Scrypt stores a massive amount of Pseudorandom values in memory, otherwise known as the "Scratchpad"
If it was possible to convert every other part of the scrypt Algorithm into an ASIC but isolate the scratchpad so it used some form of
upgradable hardware ( like the ram stick slot seen in the forum on the link below ), would it be possible to create a Scrypt-N Asic?
As the memory demand slowly increases, users could easily purchase another stick of RAM to keep up with the Scrypt-N
https://litecointalk.org/index.php?topic=5731.0I'm very new to the Bitcoin community, so I apologize if my post is poorly formatted.
If somebody in the community is willing to work with me, I am more then happy to accept their partnership.
-Apologies for not linking the image, I seem to have encountered difficulties with that