- This is auction.
- Auction will end on 25th June 2014
- Starting bid is 0.00001 Btc
- Bids increasement by 0.00001 Btc
- I will show all functions to new owner and do some support if necessary
What is for sale.
www.crycurex.com domain
crycurex exchange script
design and whole website
database of clients
please keep in mind its unique script and all funcions are coded for this only project. No public downloadable code were used. There wont be copies of this script sold.
1, list of users which may be sorted (see screenshot)
http://prntscr.com/3pmqoh2, list of balance of all coins each user has, may be sorted (see screenshot)
http://prntscr.com/3pmrlu3, Add/remove coin. Admin can easily add/remove/rename each coin
http://prntscr.com/3pmryp4,Create/remove/edit markets. Admin can combine all coins and create desired markets combination. X/Y, Y/X, A/B, A/C, A/D ...etc
There is possiblity enter default price for every market.
http://prntscr.com/3pmsk55, Overview of balances. Very important function. Here, admin can see how many coins of specific coin /example btc/ is held on balances, on pending trades, pending withdrawals and total amount of coins.
If total = exchange wallet balance that is good and there are no coins missing
http://prntscr.com/3pmtwb6, Transfers window, where every buy, sell every deposit and withdrawal is logged. Admin can track everything and see details. (which user did trade, users email) every trade has unique ID
Its also sortable
http://prntscr.com/3pmvgu7, Coins which will be added for voting
https://crycurex.com/info/add-currency/http://prntscr.com/3pmwm9Its srotable
8, Editable left part of
www.crycurex.comhttp://prntscr.com/3pmwx4- Here may be added new button which will redirect to new webpage
Lot of funcions are editable in code. We had lot of attacks and all of known bugs were fixed. Deposits are fully automated, withdrawals are handeld manually due security reasons. All pending withdrawals have been processed.
9, Advertisement section
http://prntscr.com/3pmy28There may be created advertisemetn text or banner at every market.
Trading fees may be changed everytime to desired level.
Daily interest at MN1/BTC market is changeable. It is credited to users account once a day.
Why is crycurex for sale ?
- Lack of time. If someone is willing to make competition to other exchanges, here is opportunity
Payment: Escrow of course... We accept btc, ltc
Your price offers please reply to this post or PM me I will post your anonymous offer (in case you dont want to be revealed as a bidder, in case you as a anonymous bidder win auction, your identity stay anonymous)
If there are any questions please PM me...
This post will be edited if I forgot something.
Text added after editing:
- bitcointalk.org nick "crycurex-support" is included in wining bid also
- please keep in mind its unique script and all funcions are coded for this only project. No public downloadable code were used. There wont be copies of this script sold.