the 12 links cost nothing, free to click.
must sign up to mninum 1 link in dead in each round of 12 link.
alway get 12 different link link.
it cost free, nothing to sign up. You no need actually verify email address!!
by end at offer, when gotten 135%, will have gotten 9x 12 links to click.
you need click 9x 12 link.
you need signup 9x 1 link.
after successful link click and signup, payout sent to bitcoin address at end of round. this save me time as each user will click at different time, I no want be sending payment each few hours. I prefer do once per round.
Hey i m asking that if i deposit 5mbtc to the given address and give you my email..?
Then you give me the ptc adds through email?
And i have to click all 12 ads? and how much 12 ads coast?