Thanks for testing. The second issue you found is a good catch!
It generates a different sign each time you launch the signmessage command. Is it a wanted feature ? (i did not see the nonce/random part in the code, sorry if i missed it).
The use of a random nonce is part of the way the ECDSA signature is formed. For signing a hash H with secret key K, it might be possible to make secure constant signatures by setting the random k value to be the x coordinate of G*H*K but this would be considered non-standard cryptography. Unless some very persuasive use-cases are shown, I believe users should not be able to set their own k values due to the risk of revealing the private key cf. Sony.
If I change a bit (but not too much) the second part of the signature (not the pub key, which is at the beginning), for example, by replacing a 'x' by a 'y' or 'z', verifymessage still validates it.
The base-64 string you provide is 183 characters long. This means it encodes floor(183*3/4) = 137 bytes. 137 bytes contains 1096 bits
but 183 base-64 characters encode 1098 bits. On converting the bytes to base-64, the value of the two extra bits has to be arbitrarily specified as 0 and on decoding the two bits are thrown away. The last base-64 value in the string is "k" which encodes 36 = 100100
2. As you can see, the last two bits are zeroes. The base-64 values for "l", "m" and "n" only differ in the last two bits but "o" encodes 101000
2 which changes the value of the bytes to which the base-64 string decodes and thus the signature fails.
It's probably worth changing DecodeBase64 to throw a "malformed base-64 encoding" exception if "left" is not zero when exiting the while(1) loop. If this "strict format check" is adopted then one should also check that an "=" character caused the loop termination.
I'd also change vchMessageMagic = ParseHex("3a4f40f998736d6f"); to something more obviously not engineered to facilitate some cunning attack. I don't see what was wrong with "Padding text - " which was in the original version.