I am very experienced enterprise web systems developer. The thing I noticed in Bitcoin world is that exchanges are really poor developed. Very low reliabilty, performance and security.
Things like this, make me feel cringe:
http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1wtbiu/how_i_stole_roughly_100_btc_from_an_exchange_and/Most, if not all, are based on badly choosen technologies (like PHP, MongoDB) without even proper transaction isolation, race conditions posibilities etc.
I have already made about ~80% of enterprise exchange. It is build on application server with background transactional and monitoring tasks,
done in the lot better way than CRON based scheduling etc.
Highly concurrent, clean and maintainable code with near 100% coverage with unit and integration tests. Lot of caching involved.
Capability to process 10-20k requests/second for some static pages, and realize 50-200 orders/s on single machine.
For example, if wallet communication commands take long and there is too long processing detected,
user is immediately notified and system does not try to force another RPC call going to a huge overload etc.
There is really lot of cool features, too much to describe now. For example pre-cashing of wallet addresses, that you can generate new addresses on wallet RPC
in lowest load hours and just assign them to users under peak load.
Lot of monitoring abilities, with monitoring wallets health and possibility to inform users about wallet on/off status, load or last retreived block time from blockchain.
Internal mail sending queue with reporting and status etc. etc. Just enterprise solution. Possibilty to implement some SQL-balance vs wallet-balance montors
to improve security and detect security breach, possiblity to implement near real-time monitoring/withdrawal confirmation app for android.
Opened oportunities for wallet-pooling if single internal wallet daemon per currency is not enough.
Is anybody interested in starting his own professional exchange? I'm looking for people going to invest in "starter pack" without further maintaince, espacialy that I have already a full-time job.
Of course, some additional maintaince and feture requests possible.
For clarity, I do enterprise software - so it's neccessary to have someone for regulatory approval, lawyers etc. Also some bitcoin-theory expert and/or unix service/wallets maintainer for unix-level and wallet security and backuping.
So, I am just offering professional-level software here only, not complete exchange solution.
Sorry for my english, I'm not from US.