Hello all and thanks for commenting. I like reading the discussion and different opinions expressed by my peers.
to Alley3-5 more years is a great guess. If we look at the chart, 2004 - 2007 (3 yrs) it began picking up for fb
2007 - 2013 had their exponential growth
btc is 5 - 6 yrs old (I think began late 2008 to early 2009 (feb)
FB began their s curve 5 yrs later in 2009. Btc might take longer since its not FB and it has a different use etc.
your prediction is a good speculation 3-5 yrs
to TeraYou are correct in my poor analogy (obviously a social media site is not virtual currency network. The curves probably won't match (especially since exponential growth has indeed occurred annually.
to frobleyI know what you probably mean (people below you said I meant monthly active users - which I did). But exponential price like 100 to 1000 has been attained. But what I was also thinking was that others think that the real adoption or price increase is yet to come.
ro tsoPANosthanks for understanding and interpreting the post (I know I write all over the place and it may be hard for many to get what I am asking for).
to bananaControlI wanted to respond to you first because I was thinking the same (but I wanted to respond to everyone as well since they were so kind as to contribute to my post)
Yes, the majority does not get it. I tried explaining it to many and they just don't give it a chance. I guess they are to caught up in other things etc. There are apps and things especially in the future that could get a piece of the mobile market (I see people on mobiles all day)
Masses are years away - I think so to.
to SwordsoffreedomYour points add to the 3-5 year thing. There has been many upswings. Basically from 0.002 (1/5 a penny) to 1200. That is like a 600,000x increase.
Your point that a few s curves has happened is true. Many also say that we might see maybe a 100x increase, but a 10000x or even 1000x increase may not happen (anythings possible but lets see)
to TorqueThanks for saying its a good discussion (I thought that my post might have been confusing when I wrote it, and it probably is a little)
Yes I agree, they started slow, then kaboom - even bitcoinsrus dropped his die hard myspace account
I agree with your lack of knowing the users (could look at the wallets etc)
and cost to entry. Also, great other posts on other threads.
to 4mherewegoI agree, Tera also mentioned this as well. A social media is not a virtual currency. It may have facebook credits (and I wished I had googled it back in 2010 and then when the definition said virtual currency....I wished I googled that to
anyways yea, comparing it to the internet is smarter.
to IIOIIYes, it already needs more time than FB. from 2004 - 2009, FB already started its S curve. The same 5 yrs does not seem like that big of a thing (in terms of active monthly users)
to MatTheCatYea I wouldn't really call Myspace a competitor (although it did have a few hundred million and came b4 fb). Fiat is btc competitor (especially since its a hassle to exchange the two with all the fees etc).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Again thanks for all the support and comments (I read them all).
My post was talking about the monthly active users and comparing to facebook. My apologizes to anyone that misunderstood my post.