Hello all,
I decided to give bot for PrimeDice for free to everyone willing to use it, since i have enough of scammers that charge for bots that are not even their.
Here you go:
Use at your own risk and don't forget to tip me some change if you like it: 128M1yT1nXokosMiGjoe8RzQAz2osASwPcYou can modify settings inside as you wish, if you are not familiar with those terms just ask.
Here is the link to the bot:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9siwdsy7negpx6n/PD%20Bot%20V2.txtEDIT in V2: Little bug fixed on 11.7.2014Here is how to use it:
1. Copy all text from link i provided and open Chrome or Firefox on PrimeDice.com
2. Make sure you have enough balance to run your settings
3. Settings you can modify:
bet: 0.00000010 <----thats ammount to bet BE CAREFULL what you enter
odds: 10, <----chance of winning 10 means 10%
type: 1, <------ what you bet on (high or low) 1 = low, 0 = high
runs: 100000, <----how many bets bot will make before stop
pad_bet: 0.00000000, <----how much will bot bet on prerolls
prerolls: 15, <---number of losses that bot will wait for before it starts betting
on_loss_multi: 1.1134, <-----thats the bet increase after pre-rolling for each bet lost (1.1134 = 11.34% on LOSS)
stop_min: 0.00000000, <---- stop betting if number drops to/below this number
stop_max: 0.02000000, <----- stop betting if number reaches this number
4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+J on keyboard
5. paste all in the lowest box
6. press Enter
7. enjoy the show
If you want to stop bot you have to refresh the page (press F5) other functions don't work
Note: If you want your custom setting you can PM me following and i will set it up for you:
1. balance you want to try with
2. payout (ex. 1.66X)
3. your goal (ex. 30% more than your balance is now)
4. time you have ( ex. 24 hours)
5. how secure you want to be (ex. 99% chance it will be ok, 50% chance it will be ok)
Basic setting made here is pretty safe if you have at least 0.03 balance. Don't mess up too much with prerolls, remember the fact that if you want martingale you have to set it up like this:
bet: 0.00000010 <----------if you have 0.01 at least that bet is high enough
odds: 50,
type: 1,
runs: 100000,
pad_bet: 0.00000000,
prerolls: 1, <----------------for your safety put at least 5 here, it will go slower , but safer
on_loss_multi: 2,
stop_min: 0.00000000,
stop_max: 0.02000000,
Use at your own risk and don't forget to tip me some change if you like it: 128M1yT1nXokosMiGjoe8RzQAz2osASwPc
Bot is very fast so please be carefull and don't leave it without controll!