HI Everyone
I was recently approached by the Aero developers to produce a Mac OSX wallet and also to review and comment on their latest Anon code, where sending coins will get split up into many different transactions and sent to the destination address, without being able to trace back the sender address.
To be honest, as I've been busy working on my own projects recently I've not really taken much notice of Aero. At first i thought this was just a copy and paste coin of many others that we all see on a daily basis here in Crypto Land, but once i actually looked over the source code, i was completely proved wrong. The code used for obfuscating the original senders address works really well, and is written extremely well too.
Some general but important areas i looked for in the review.There are no hidden surprises or pre-mines etc… As you can clearly see here in this PoW reward function, all the conditions are formatted and nested correctly. There is nothing hidden here..
https://github.com/aeromasterdev/AeroCoin/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L972Little things like making testnet available shows the developers have put effort into the coding.
https://github.com/aeromasterdev/AeroCoin/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L2608While reviewing the code i noticed some very familiar portions of the coding that I've only seen in some of the most successful well coded coins of late, and not any of the recent badly executed coins, that for example don't even have TestNet available and some really bad round logo slapped in the wallet.
Aero is different. It's well coded, its originally based on a bomb proof code base i personally know very well, and the coding related to the Anonymous sending is spot on.
Im not the best a writing long in-depth reviews, but personally i think Aero has a great future ahead.